Professor Sid Watkins 1928-2012

The FIA and the FIA Institute extend their sincere condolences to the Watkins' family on the sad news of the death of FIA Institute Honorary President Professor Sid Watkins.

Throughout his life Sid made a unique contribution to motor sport, particularly in improving safety for F1 drivers, officials and spectators around the world.

He was highly respected as an acclaimed neurosurgeon; F1 medical delegate; chairman of the FIA Expert Advisory Safety Committee; and as the first President of the FIA Institute.

Sid's experience, intelligence and endearing humour will be forever greatly missed.  Our thoughts are with the Watkins family at this difficult time.

Jean Todt, FIA President, said: "This is a truly sad day for the FIA family and the entire motor sport community. Sid was loved and respected in equal measure by all those who knew and worked with him. We will always be grateful for the safety legacy that he has left our sport."

Gérard Saillant, FIA Institute President, said: "Sid was a true gentleman of our sport and always a pleasure to work with. He will be sorely missed by everyone who knew him, from doctors and drivers to officials and fans. Sid's influence will live on for many years to come."

Alex Wurz, driver, Toyota Racing: “I worked with him while I was in F1 when he was a doctor, but also when he was the President of the FIA Institute, taking care of safety.  I still cannot believe he’s gone because he was an incredible personality.  If I had to name somebody who did the most for safety, it is definitely Sid. I hope his legacy will be always be felt throughout motorsport in the future.”

Allan McNish, driver, Audi Sport Team Joest: “It is very sad for the sport’s point of view as Sid was a great motivator to improve safety of the cars and of the tracks. He would also make sure that the F1 paddock was fit and healthy; he was always there.  I spent a lot of time in his office when he checked me over on many occasions and I don’t think that I would be here without Sid.  I saw him at this year’s British Grand Prix and we talked about meeting in Scotland, but I will have to wait a good bit longer now to share a cup of tea.”