The Bahrain programme for the week

The Bahrain programme for the week


Unlike the races either side of it, the 6 Hours of Bahrain race will take place partly at night starting at 1600 hours on Saturday, 29th September (local time), darkness falling before 1800 hours due to the proximity of the equator. The few days prior to the event will be utilised by teams and drivers to be completely ready for the big day.

For the teams the week begins from Wednesday, 26th September, with Technical and Administrative Scrutineering from 0930 to 1900 hours, culminating with a final session on Thursday from 1000-1200 hours.  After the drivers’ and team managers’ briefings at 1400 and 1415 hours respectively, competitors will be taking to the track for the first time for the first free practice session from 1600-1730 hours.

After some recovery time, the drivers will return to the cockpit from 2030-2200 hours for a night practice session which will allow them to set their bearings in the dark.  A final one-hour practice is scheduled for Friday, 28th September from 1050-1150 hours before the afternoon’s qualifying sessions.  The LMGTE Pro and Am categories kick things off at 1600 hours, before handing over the track to the LMP1 and LMP2 classes at 1630 hours, each session lasting 20 minutes.

On Saturday, the big day, drivers can get themselves up warmed up literally and figuratively during the 20-minute warm-up session between 1225-1245 hours before taking part in the pre-grid activities which follow the second BIC 2000 Championship race at 1300 hours, the first having taken place a day earlier at 1510 hours.

At 1400 hours, spectators can wander along the pit lane for the 45-minute traditional pit-walk which takes place almost at the same time as the autograph session (1405-1435 hours).   An initial pit walk will be held on Friday from 1350-1450 hours.

Then, everyone and everything in place from 1600-2200 hours for an outstanding extravaganza of racing on the ultra-modern circuit, itself situated amid a traditional Bahraini setting.

Fiona Miller

Photo: SAKHIR (BAHRAIN), BAHRAIN INTERNATIONAL CIRCUIT, 6 HOURS OF BAHRAIN, TUESDAY 25TH SEPTEMBER 2012. The start of the 6 Hours of Bahrain will be given on the pit straight this Saturday at 1600 hours.