Audi: "Did you know?"

Did you know?

Brazil’s Lucas di Grassi, who will be racing for Audi this weekend in the FIA World Endurance Championship’s 6 Hours of Sao Paulo, is the official test driver for the new FIA Formula E Championship. 

The new FIA championship will feature Formula cars powered exclusively by electric energy. It represents a vision for the future of the motor industry over the coming decades, and Rio de Janeiro will be the first city to welcome a Formula E Electric Grand Prix in 2014.

PHOTO:  FROM AUDI MOTORSPORT.  Lucas di Grassi and an example of an E Formula Grand Prix car.

At a recent awards ceremony in Monza, Italy, the Italian motor industry organisation ‘Confartigianato Motori’ presented Audi and Dindo Capello with some ground-breaking environmental prizes.  Audi received the award for the hybrid technology in the 24 Hours of Le Mans-winning R18 e-tron quattro.

At the same time, Audi factory driver Dindo Capello was honoured for his great contribution to this technology. Along with team mates Allan McNish and Tom Kristensen, the Italian proved to be particularly economically-efficient in using the hybrid system at the 6 Hours of Spa and also in the 24 Hours of Le Mans. The trio won the Michelin Green X Challenge for the most efficient drive in both FIA World Endurance Championship events.

Fiona Miller

PHOTO:  Dindo Capello of Audi.