Getting to know Benoît Tréluyer…
Photo: Photo : Jeff Carter - D.R.

Getting to know Benoît Tréluyer…



After Marcel Fässler and Andre Lotterer, it is the turn of Benoit Treluyer to answer questions. A hero in the land of the Rising Sun, the French driver reveals part of his personality.

Benoit what is your favourite road car?

"The A6 Diesel 3-litre twin-turbo estate that I ordered! I like cars to be comfortable, practical and pretty. And I am a father!"

What is your favourite circuit?

"Suzuka as it includes all types of corners and it has no room for error because of the lack of clearance. It's a real circuit. I like fast tracks like Road Atlanta where you are at the limit and it does not forgive anything."

What is your favourite race?

"Le Mans, even if the hate when I wake up at three in the morning! It's a race completely apart, with a unique atmosphere. Once you do Le Mans, you can't choose another race."

What job did you want to do when you were little?

"Motocross rider. My father was an enduro rider and I got my first bike at four years old (Benoit Treluyer's son Jules, is already agile on motorcycle and BMX)."

Did you have an idol?

"My father and is still my idol."

What kind of music do you listen to?

"I'm not musical. At home we listen to jazz radio in the background. It is Andrew who made me discover new things. At each race, we have our tune of the weekend and when we talk about a past race, it is not linked to the year, but the song! This year, it is 'Sail' by Awolnation."

Which film?

"Face-off and Leon, but in fact, action movies in general. I also like comedies like Dikkenek, that we watch with Andre."

Who knew that Marcel Fässler wanted to become a truck driver in California, the favourite car of Benoit Treluyer was an estate and Andre Lotterer only likes soft music?

Interview by Cécile Bonardel